By TOM JACKSON – Head of Community Justice

On a bleak December morning Street Cones, supported by colleagues in Community Justice Glasgow, welcomed individuals from across Scotland to the Barracks in Stirling (owned and operated by the Robertson Trust).  They had travelled through the wild weather to attend an interactive workshop based on their model of “Safe Space” and “The Road to Change”.

Adam Robertson, Creative Director at Street Cones, said:

“We want to share our work with those who believe there’s a better way to support people and to make positive changes through the power of the arts and lived experience.”

Despite the weather, nearly 100 people turned up and participated, seeing the Cones in action, on film and on stage, followed by a Q&A with the team.  A broad range of their work was on display and open for conversations.

Among those participating were a small team of clients and staff from YPeople, who volunteered to help bring life to the workshop.

We use the arts to give people who are marginalized a voice to help themselves as well as their wider community. – Mark MacNicol, Screenwriter and Business Development Lead

At Community Justice Glasgow we recognises the value of the ‘Voice’ of those who experience the justice system first hand.  We strive to ensure that individuals who access services are at the heart of influencing and shaping the planning and delivery of the services we commission and deliver in partnership. 

This is one of the clear priorities set out in our Community Justice Outcome Improvement Plan and delivers against our Structural Objective 1(C) – Participation in Community Justice, Increased levels of service user participation in Community Justice that occur as a result of our activity – set out in our Outcome & Performance Improvement Framework 2018 – 2023.

These voices guide the work that we do, ensuring that we are putting the right supports in the right place at the right time – directed by the people who need and use them. 

Our ambition is to empower people, building resilience through self-esteem and the self-confidence to influence and decide what is right for them. We work with partners to ensure a strategic approach and that those services are available. 

The value of Lived Experience is widely evidenced and recognised within our Partnership.  This is just one example of the work that we commission to progress us along the pathway to ensuring that we have a more inclusive and collaborative approach to reducing re-offending and really hear and act on the issues and barriers to a more positive life,  that those experiencing the Justice System Face.

The creative arts have a key role to play in getting to and tackling the underlying issues and drivers of offending behaviour.  Creating safe spaces for people to explore these issues and drivers contributes to reducing further offending.

Other links to their work:

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